Monday, May 14, 2012

Sabrina Fry-May Chinese Holiday

Since the vast majority of the Chinese people are not Christian, the main winter festival in China the Chinese New Year which takes place toward the end of January. Now officially called the "Spring Festival," it is a time when children receive new clothing, eat luxurious meals, receive new toys, and enjoy firecracker displays. An important aspect of the New Year celebration is the worship of ancestors. Portraits and paintings of ancestors are brought out and hung in the main room of the home.



Fingernails are amazing, you can pick locks with your nails. Your nails are also edible. But your fingernails are not the best part of your hand there really is no best part; your arm holds your hand, and your hand holds your fingers so your arm is just as important as your fingernails .Without out your fingers you can’t feed yourself you can’t drive to the hospital to get new fingers .you can’t do your homework. Keeping your fingernails clean is a good way to stay healthy. No one   want‘s  dirty hands your hands touch some pretty dirty things so why wouldn’t you want to keep them clean ?


My Wish
Once upon a time there was a girl named Dariella, she went ;outside and said to herself “I wish I can have my own land with candy, like the game Candy Land.” All of a sudden her house disappeared, it spinned away. Little purple lollipops came out of the ground, the clouds were replaced with cotton candy, the grass was also replaced with different flavored pixie sticks. Dariella was so shocked Her mom, dad, and brother was also shocked, but they had fun. There was a chocolate princess named Senetra, she had short beautiful hair, pink and purple nails with rhinestone attached, she was so nice to Dariella’s family that she let Dariella’s family stay there forever .


                                        Over the weekend that’s coming up

    Over the weekend that is coming up I am going to ask my mom if she can take me to a special place like to the wave pool if it is hot. But if it is not hot outside I would ask if we can go to the hotel so we can go indoor swimming so we will not be cold. So if my mom says yes I would ask her if I can have some friends to come with us to the hotel. All the people I would invite are Kourtney Manley, Kameriell, Jessie Dell, and my other cousin Eric all of my family members would come. We would just have fun at the pool I would bring a water football so we can play football in the water. That is what I am trying to do over the weekend that's coming up.     


What I Will Do With One Thousand Dollars

If I had one thousand dollars I would either spend it on a new Chihuahua or a mansion. But, I doubt it. I would also give my mom and dad half of the money because they always take care of me and they never get anything back from me.
     If they did have that kind of money they would spend it on a beautiful and nice house. The money would also make them happy and make them feel good.
That is what I’ll do with one thousand dollars.


Nelson Lardell

When I get home after school I will go over my friends and we will play their X360. After that, we will go outside and play basketball then we will go in the house and watch T.V. Then I will go to church. When I get home from church, I will change my clothes and go outside for a couple of hours.
After I come in, I will take a shower and then I will watch T.V. then i will go to bed. When I wake up, I will brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I will put my clothes on. After that, I will eat breakfast and go to the bus stop. That is what I will do within the next four days. I can’t wait ‘til tomorrow because


My First Game Room

One day I was just getting out of school and was on my way home. To my surprise I saw my dad loading our stuff in a moving van. I asked my dad if I could have the extra room so I could make my own game room he said sure why not. I had every game in the world from board games to electronic games. After we got settled in our new house we went out to get the stuff. First, we went to look at wallpaper. I decided to get the green wallpaper. The room was so huge it took lots of games to fill it. We went to every game store and bought them out. When we got back home we had the movers unload the games. I called it Ardray’s Place. If anyone tried to take any of the game systems my alarm system would notify me.